2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 -
2017 - 2018 - 2019 - 2020 - 2021 - 2022 - 2023 - 2024


Our first season with self-produced video included the annual Smithtown Historical Society School Program in May, July's Living History at Gettysburg National Park, an historical Timeline, our Second Civil War Weekend at the Grange in Sayville, a special Civil War event (with battle) held at the Nassau County Museum of Art to support the exhibit of Mort Kuntsler's work, and lastly our annual pilgrimage to Gettysburg for Remembrance Day. Also included is a short documentary on Civil War Reenactors shot by Najib Aminy of Stony Brook University.

Remembrance Day

Gettysburg, PA

November 20, 2010

This includes the planting of NY State and National flags at the graves of the New York soldiers in the National Cemetery on Remembrance Day morning. Also, there is annual ceremony at the 67th NY monument on Culp's Hill. However, this year, we began a new tradition that still continues of honoring the men of the 65th NY at their nearby memorial. Many of the veterans of the 67th NY enlisted with the 65th NY for the duration of the war after our original muster expired in June 1864. You'll also see some clips of the parade and the moving 'Reunion' ceremony of Union & Confederate the the High Water Mark.


Civil War Reenactors by Najim Aminy

Filmed in Gettysburg PA, Roslyn NY, & Sayville, NY

October 31, 2010

Stony Brook University student Najib Amany followed us to several events in the autumn including the Mort Kuntsler exhibit, our October drill at the Grange, and even drove as far as Remembrance Day in Gettysburg to create this short documentary on Civil War Reenactors.

Mort Kuntsler Exhibit at Nassau County Museum of Art

Roslyn, NY

October 23, 2010

To promote the latest exhibit by noted Civil War artist, Mort Kuntsler, the 10th New York Cavalry organized a Living History and skirmish on the grounds of the Nassau County Museum of Art. A surreal site it was fighting amongst the abstract and obstructive modern art installations that littered the grounds.


Second Annual Civil War Weekend at the Grange

Sayville, NY

September 25 - 26, 2010

Saturday morning in camp starting off with an interview of Finnean's Rainbow...the horse of Sergeant Tom Strong of 10th New York Cavalry. Also included is a visit to the Commissary and the 'Opening Ceremony' with a short parade including us, Company H of the 14th Brooklyn, Berdan's Sharpshooters, and the Confederates (9th and 30th Virginia).

Saturday's battle, life in Union Camp, and a performance by local musicians Dylan & Fairchild in our Chapel. If you watch the spectators during the battle carefully you can pick out future members Joe and Peter Forgione and Tom Crowley.

Sunday in camp with the First Sergeant (Dave Schnupp) training the Freshest fish followed by our battle.

For years, Reilly Smallwood, the faithful companion of the Grange's caretaker, Chip Smallwood, was our unofficial mascot who visited camp during our events. Sadly, Reilly passed away at the age of ten in early 2011. We will be hard pressed to ever find a better mascot.


Historical Timeline at Smithtown Historical Society

Smithtown, NY

July 31, 2010

Smithtown Historical Society on Long Island invited all the local Living History groups to put on a Timeline on their grounds and we joined the Confederates (9th VA & 30th VA) along with the U.S. 2nd Rangers Able Company (WWII). While public attendance was light, the weather was perfect for late summer and a good time was had by all.


Living History with the Mifflin Guard at Gettysburg National Park

Gettysburg, PA

July 3 - 4, 2010

On Saturday, we had no Ranger Walk planned however Colonel Washburn improvised and we marched up to the High Water Mark to get a feel for what it must have been like during the Confederate cannonade followed by Pickett's Charge.

From the High Water Mark, we marched right back down Cemetery Ridge to the field in front of the Minnesota Monument where we segued right into Battalion Drill, narrated by Colonel Washburn.

A sunrise stroll from the Pennsylvania Monument to the High Water Mark at Gettysburg National Park. Recorded the Sunday morning of the Mifflin Guard Living History program at the Pennsylvania Monument.

In front of the Virginia Monument on Seminary Ridge there is a station with a placard describing how Pickett's Charge kicked off from the same spot on the third day of battle. Little known much less found by tourists is the recording that plays from the speaker built into the accompanying bench.

Those willing to conquer the steel stairs that is Longstreet's Tower on Seminary Ridge will be rewarded with a clear view of much of the battlefield from Cemetery Hill in the north to the Round Tops in the south. Best viewed in the late afternoon or evening when the sun is hitting the ground just right.

Hobby legend has it that no camera functions properly in the overly haunted Devil's Den but this camera delivered the goods with not a flicker, flash, floating orb, or other ectoplasmic display in sight. If you find something in this clip, please let us know (since we own the rights).

Here is a leisurely evening walk from Meade's Monument near the High Water Mark on Cemetery Ridge down the gentle eastern slope to the Leister's House which was used by Union Command as their Headquarters.


Educational Program at Smithtown Historical Society

Smithtown, NY

May 21, 2010

For one of our first videos, we captured one of the 10th New York Cavalry's demonstrations, this one taking place at the annual Smithtown Historical Society's school program. Their commander, Bill Uhlinger, narrates three of his horsemen through the presentation. Sadly, Bill was taken from us in October 2011... this video is dedicated to his memory.