Remembrance Day

Gettysburg, PA

November 18 - 20, 2010

We had near perfect weather this weekend and fielded twelve men for this trip to Gettysburg. This Remembrance Day marked the debut of the new Regimental that we had worked so hard for the previous two years. Creator Steven Hill dropped the flag off the night before our ceremony on Culp's Hill where at our annual ritual it was unfurled at the 67th NY's monument. This year we also paid our respects to the 65th NY whose unadorned monument stands nearby. When the 67th NY's three year term was over, many of its veterans reenlisted with the 65th NY and served out the end of War. Our Captain was chosen to lead the Color Company along with our First Sergeant with both our National and Regimental flown by Privates Jamieson and Purcell respectively. And for the evening, we had a fine dinner at a 'new' venue, the Cashtown Inn.

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A flag on 'Unknown' grave 940 National Cemetery East Cemetery Hill the Round Tops At last! Their First Time Just about done Sergeant Marshall Corporal Kent the Fresh Fish always busy on this Saturday morning the new Regimental the first of two speeches From Will to Ed Mr. Phelps U.S. Sharpshooter MUSTER ROLL Assembling in the schoolyard Our Color Bearers other battalions Colonel Scott Washburn leading the Color Company this year Colonel Washburn