2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 -
2017 - 2018 - 2019 - 2020 - 2021 - 2022 - 2023 - 2024


After three years, we finally resumed a full schedule and began the season with a Musket Cleaning & Maintenance Lesson at our April meeting. The webmaster made a solo trip into Manhattan a week later for the Ulysses S. Grant's 200th Birthday Celebration. The 9th Virginia invited us back to Bald Hill Schoolhouse in Farmingville unfortunately the weather failed to cooperate. In May, we returned to Smithtown Historical Society for their annual Civil War Educational Program. In September, we held our 14th Civil War Weekend at the Grange followed just one week later by our second Living History at Longwood Estate. The Bayside Historical Society invited us back to Fort Totten for another linving history and at the end of October we celebrated a quarter century of living history at our 25th Anniversary Ball held at Smithtown Historical Society. Of course, we closed out the season with our pilgrimage to Gettysburg for Remembrance Day.

Remembrance Day

Gettysburg, PA

November 18 - 19, 2022

Video from our annual pilgrimage to Gettysburg for Remembrance Day. Includes our ceremonies on Culp's Hill at the monuments for the 67th NY, 65th, and 82nd PA. Plus some clips of the parade itself and our evening celebrations in town and at our homebase, Ski Liberty, in nearby Fairfield.

Video of the entirety of the parade by Pennsylvania Department SUVCW


at the Brush Barn
Smithtown Historical Society

Smithtown, NY

October 29, 2022

Video from our Silver Anniversary Ball at the Smithtown Historical Society's Brush Barn. Music for the evening provided by Larry Moser, Mary Nagin, and our own Max 'Lumpy' Rowland. Dances called by Chart Guthrie.


Living History at Fort Totten

Bayside, NY

October 15, 2022

Our 'official' video of our second visit to Fort Totten in Bayside, Queens. Hosted by the Bayside Historical Society, this clip has our demonstration of Manual of Arms followed by Loading & Firing.

Video by Superfan, Chris Lauterbach
Visit the camp of Company K of the 67th NY Infantry for a day of Civil War Living History at Fort Totten. You you can walk in the footsteps of Union soldiers and discover all aspects of life in the 1860s. Interact with the 67th NY and learn of the lives of the soldiers they portray: what they thought, how they ate, how they were clothed, how they fought, and how they endured through the greatest war in America's history. Watch a musket firing drill.

Video by Superfan, Chris Lauterbach.
Visit the camp of Company K of the 67th NY Infantry for a day of Civil War Living History at Fort Totten. Members of the 67th NY speak about the history of the unit and the Civil War.


Living History at Longwood Estate

Ridge, NY

September 24 - 25, 2022

Video from our 2nd time at the Brookhaven County Fair at the Longwood Estates on Ridge, Long Island. The last section is a less on loading and firing a parrot gun from Pvt. Paul Brinkman.


14th Annual Civil War Weekend at the Grange

Sayville, NY

September 17 - 18, 2022

Our 'Official' video from our 14th Annual Civil War Weekend at the Grange in Sayville, Long Island. Joining us once more were the 9th Virginia, 30th Virginia, the 6th NY Independent Artillery, and, of course, George Munkenbeck. This includes our noontime skirmish on Saturday, Bill Hohnhorst's flag lesson, and a demo from Surgeon Munkenbeck.

Video of Saturday's action by Superfan, Chris Lauterbach
9/17/2022 -- 14th Annual Civil War at the Grange - Training

It's the 14th Annual Civil War at the Grange Weekend and soldiers from Co. K, 67th Regiment NY Infantry; Co. C, the 9th Virginia; and Co. B, the 30th Virginia are due to clash once again. Anticipating a skirmish with Union forces, Confederate troops conduct musket training and tactics.

Video of Saturday's action by Superfan, Chris Lauterbach
9/17/2022 -- 14th Annual Civil War at the Grange - Saturday Morning Skirmish

Union and Confederate troops confronted each other on the main road of Islip Grange Park. Heavy musket fire was exchanged between both sides. There were casualties among both and a cease fire was agreed to so that the dead and wounded could be evacuated.

Video of Saturday's action by Superfan, Chris Lauterbach
9/17/2022 -- 14th Annual Civil War at the Grange - Artillery Demos

Union and Confederate infantry were both supported by artillery. Both the Napoleon and the Parrot were used during the Civil War.

Video of Saturday's action by Superfan, Chris Lauterbach
9/17/2022 -- 14th Annual Civil War at the Grange - Afternoon Battle

Union and Confederate troops confronted each other in a dramatization of the Battle of Antietam. Union scouting party discovers Lee's battle plans wrapped around a bundle of cigars. This was supposed to be the key to victory but, 'no cigar'.


Confederate Infantry Drill at Gettysburg NPS

Gettysburg, PA

July 16, 2022

Video of Confederate Infantry Drill taken at Pitzer's Woods in Gettysburg National Park. This unit comprises members of Co. B, 21st Georgia, the 10th Louisiana, and some from the 118th NY (galvanizing as Confederates)

Federal Artillery Demonstration at Gettysburg National Park

Gettysburg, PA

July 17, 2022

Video of a Federal Artillery demonstration near the Pennsylvania Memorial at Gettysburg National Park by Battery B of the 1st Rhode Island Light Artillery

Smithtown Historical Society
Civil War School Program

Smithtown, NY

May 19, 2022

This is footage from Smithtown Historical Society's annual Civil War educational program that also includes the Confederates (the 9th & 30th Virginia) and, for the first year, Surgeon George Munkenbeck performing his medical impression. This video includes drill and some musical numbers by our own Lumpy (Max Rowland).


Living History at Bald Hill Schoolhouse

Farmingville, NY

May 7, 2022

Video of Saturday's action by Superfan, Chris Lauterbach
5/7/2022 -- Bald Hill Schoolhouse Civil War Encampment - Opening Ceremony

The Bald Hill Schoolhouse Civil War Encampment was again held after suspension since 2019. The event was planned months in advance and would be held "rain or shine". It did indeed rain heavily, yet the the living historians 'shined'. This short video was recorded in the rain with a just my hand trying to shield the lens from the drops.held late morning. I pulled up in front of the schoolhouse just as the Opening Ceremony commenced. Please accept the raindrops on the lens as capturing the moment was the priority.

Video of Saturday's action by Superfan, Chris Lauterbach.
5/7 /2022 -- Bald Hill Schoolhouse Civil War Encampment - Mud Sloggers In Action

It had rained all day so the skirmish was going to be a soggy one. The Blue and the Gray lined up on opposite sides of the field and exchanged volleys of musket fire. Though outnumbered the Northern troops were able to get off more and more accurate rounds as the South took heavy casualties. It all plays out in the video.

Video of Sunday's action by Superfan, Chris Lauterbach.
5-7-2022 -- Bald Hill Schoolhouse Civil War Encampment - Field Medical Treatment

The rainy weather found George Munkenbeck setting up his display of Civil War medical equipment of the Terry House Porch. He described how troops were treated and what tools surgeons used in the field. This video captures a brief portion of that narrative.


Ulysses S. Grant's 200th Birthday Celebration
at Grant's Tomb

New York, NY

April 30, 2022

The National Park Service at Grant's Tomb held a series of celebrations commemorating the 200th birthday of Ulysses S. Grant. On the Saturday after his real birthday (the 27th), the NPS invited Living Historians to perform. This footage includes a musical performance by Linda Russell, Early American Balladeer, along with interaction with the public and an exploration of Grant's Tomb itself.


Musket Cleaning & Maintenance Lesson

Sayville, NY

April 24, 2022

Our Ordnance Sergeant Atkins (Bill Hohnhorst) giving us a long overdue refresher course on musket cleaning and maintenance before our monthly meeting at the Grange.