Living History at the Longwood Estate

Ridge, NY

September 21 - 22, 2024

After last year's cancelation due to the weather, we returned to the Longwood Estate for the Brookhaven County Fair along with fellow reenactors, the 30th Virginia and the 3rd New York (Revolutionary War). Fortunately, we had excellent weather and a capacity crowd keeping us busy during the public hours. Special thanks to Chris Lauterbach for some of the photography and accompanying video.


The 'Before' Picture Late Sunday morning CW & RevWar Combined Forces Presented Arms to... All the Good Doggos!!! Captain Stillwell Our neighbors 'Stitch in Time' demo the 30th Virginia The Society for Creative Anachronism Time for lunch auditioning potential regimental mascots the two-footed public a ringer in the ranks the 30th Virginia Firemaster, Pvt. John Roarty visiting the 30th VA having a rest Early Sunday morning auditioning more possible mascots