Living History at Bayport Aerodrome

Bayport, NY

June 12, 2016

At the request of one of our members, Private Deigan (Bob Alonso), our regiment performed a short living history the morning of the Bayport Aerodrome's pancake breakfast fundraiser. Given that manned flight was forty years into the future, our camp was a strange site amidst hangers containing vintage aircraft from the early 20th century. However, we did entertain the crowd and scored some excellent pancakes and sausage.


Dressing to the right Silhoutted Sergeant Support Arms Manual of Arms Stillwell and Peck Talking with Hands Two Ranks Lieutenant George Stillwell Kane's Display It's Going Down Posing with our Flyboy Here's the Engine Inspection Peck & the Propeller Mr. Phelps Our Colors & Color Sergeant Ready to march out Cotton Candy Loafing