145th Anniversary
of the Battle of Gettysburg

Gettysburg, PA

July 3 - 8, 2008

The 67th NY fell in with the 26th PA to form Fourth Company, Colonel Bill David was our battalion commander, and Colonel Washburn was promoted to Brigadier General of the First Brigade under Major General Tony Daniel's Second Division. Our own Lieutenant shared with Captain Paul Campos of the 26th PA leadership of our Company and both our regiments got along splendidly for the weekend. There was much resting under our Company fly as the schedule left little room for downtime. Four days and three nights on the field were humbling to veteran and fresh fish alike. Wonderful an experience this was, it is also fortunate these do not happen too often....

One can only wonder what we'll be facing in five years time...

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a good sized crowd How absurd Something didn't seem quite right AND... CEASE FIRE!!! Brig. General Washburn The grandstands were packed Yikes! Corporal O'Brien at the end of the scenario The Confederates uncover Holding the High Ground Taking our position Dead men get the best shots Dead men get the best shots Dead men get the best shots Looks like a movie poster This guy! Well, nice try Is it mist or smoke? Watching the enemy as Taps plays