Educational Program
East Northport Middle School

East Northport, NY

May 7, 2024

Thanks to Frank Bradford's Boots & Saddles Productions (aka: the 10th NY Cavalry), we returned to East Northport Middle School along with the 30th Virginia, the 6th Independent NY Battery, Miss Diane's Cooking Demonstration, and Period Musicians Max 'Lumpy' Rowland and Erik Lichak. Fortunaetly, we had good weather for this outdoor event. The infantry units fired their muskets, the artillery lit off their cannon, and Melanie of the 10th NY gave two cavalry demos. We also had some excellent pizza for lunch followed by Miss Diane's desserts.

clear blue skies First Sergeant Moyer giving a short intro talking about the musket the soldiers rations the 10th NY Cavalry Federal Infantry camp Cavalry demonstration tear the paper Hardtack the haversack and canteen pizza lunch Troubadour Lumpy One last shot