Return to Old Bethpage Village Restoration

Old Bethpage, NY

May 15, 2017

Ten years after our last appearance in 2007, our regiment returned to the grounds of Old Bethpage Village Restoration at the invitation of Commander Frank Bradford & his 'Boots & Saddles Productions'. Nassau County tasked Commander Bradford to design a Civil War educational program for local schools and he delivered big time, inviting our regiment, the 30th Virginia (with Miss Diane), the 119th NY, George Munkenbeck, Sam Grant and his wife with their protrayals of Ulysses S. Grant and Julia Grant, a Civil War surgeon, a period apothecary, and even a British Observor. Last but not least was the 10th NY Cavalry. Over 2,000 students covered the grounds and it all went like clockwork right down to the finale, a battle in the corral inside the fairgrounds. We our ourselved fielded 17 men and for most this was the first time they ever visited the OBVR. Kudos to Frank and Company for pulling this off, it was long overdue.



Having the men fall in Right Face, Left Face Inspection Arms returning an inspected musket Mr. Pinky Checking the barrel windy today Our Grand National Going for a stroll A Tour of OBVR 10 Years Later Melanie Davidson Pellegrino Process Pellegrino Process Pellegrino Process Grant, Bradford, & Stillwell Sam Grant Musket maintenance Filling his cartridge box The hordes arrive! Tear Cartridge FIRE!!! Last Man Standing Grant & Wife The Captain and Cook