10th Anniversary Celebration
1997 - 2007
Remembrance Day

Gettysburg, PA

November 15 - 17, 2007

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post-parade mayhem The Two Elizabeths Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglas band of Confederates the 6th New Hampshire O'Rorke's outside assistance in celebrating THE BARNSTORMERS Matt Kraybill and his wife President Jim and his wife The Vierling table Uncle Phil Our Freshest Fish A few drinks later his two great loves honoring the remaining Founding Fathers a little grander than ice cream blow out the candles TO THE NEXT DECADE... Brian & Carol Niessing Chris Schnupp and his wife We needed the exercise Bill David and his wife Colonel Washburn and his wife Imagine the moves It takes a lot of booze A slightly clearer picture The Ashokan Farewell Our 10th Anniversary photo