Private & Musician

October 1, 1940 - April 4, 2016

Thomas Crowley first wandered into our camp in September 2009 during our living history at the Suffolk County Historical Society. However, it wasn’t until one full year later, at our 2nd Grange Civil War Weekend, that Mr. Crowley returned wearing his old frock coat, ready to carry a musket once again. Already an experienced Civil War Reenactor from way back in the day, Tom had little trouble adapting back in the ranks despite his health issues and pressed forward as far as his mind and body would take him. While Mr. Crowley was the oldest member we ever had he was funnier, louder, and more positive than many a younger man and Tom knew how to shatter the seriousness of a situation with a well-place, perfectly timed comment.

Music was Tom’s passion and he was a very patient teacher to our own Drummer Boy and was starting to train a new one when he was taken from us. As his health forced him into longer periods of absence, Tom always made himself available for our annual Civil War Weekend at the Grange. And when he could no longer shoulder a musket, Tom picked up our video-camera and a cinematic legend was born!

Mr. Crowley was our Ed Wood and every year he never failed to deliver a video chronicle of the event that was raw, funny, and absolutely perfect on the first take. Our video tribute only gives a sample of his work and for that alone his voice will always resonate in our memories.

Making Friends Shaking the Rust Inspecting Arms Sunday's Skirmish Taking a knee What's This? Tom and Trippy Teaching Tom Westhampton Beach St. Patrick's Day Parade Practicing the Sticks Rocky Point St. Pat's Parade Surving the Death March Saturday breakfast at the Lincoln Diner Drilling at Gettysburg the Rebel Without a Sack Coat Tom and Dave Keeping his musket clean the Captain's Fly Tom and Alec In the Thick of It Dignity and Grace Dignity and Grace Tom visiting our birthplace Tom visiting our birthplace Tom the Director! Returning after a hiatus Bang the Drum Damn the Brogans Remembrance Day Dignity & Grace Crossing the Finish Line Mr. Commentary Tom giving drumming lessons Tom and the Stragglers One Last Take Having a Rest The Last Photograph