Joseph Fanuele
Pvt. Joseph Centliore

March 18, 1946 - May 23, 2024

Joe Fanuele, or 'Uncle Joe' as he was called by the membership, arrived in our camp in the Spring of 2011 and served the regiment faithfully right up until he could no longer. Quiet yet enthusistic, Joe participated in the majority of our school programs throughout Long Island. In his own words, educating the public was his favorite part of the Hobby. During his time, Joe also helped out with our annual Civil War weekend at the Grange, making every effort to engage with the public.

And Joe proved to be an invaluable pillar in our organization for voluntarily taking on the thankless yet critical job of Treasurer for many years. Given his function (and appearance), he was sometimes referred as 'The Monopoly Guy'.

Fortunately, we were able to see Joe before he retired to the Great Campfire in the Sky, letting him know how much he was admired and respected by his comrades.

RIP Uncle Joe

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Joe's first Grange event Joe and Tom Helping a lad with a greatcoat One of Joe's first school programs Marching at Reverse Arms our 15 year anniversary the infantryman's Greatcoat Hardtack Joe and our Grand National marching in one rank Going forward Helping a comrade resting at his tent another greatcoat a Column of Fours joining us outside The Outside Dogs Inspection Arms Joe and Dan adeptly handling the crowd Charging Bayonets! Elevating Fire Joe, Mike, and Fred Trying the woolens Photo collage Muster Roll photo lost in a forest