143rd Anniversary
of the Battle of Cedar Creek

Middletown, VA

October 19 - 21, 2007

Nine men attended this year's reenactment at Cedar Creek and given that our 'Cookie' was on sick-call we had to leave behind our usual Commissary and rely on our wits for nourishment. We formed Second Company with the 61st NY and, very curious, Sixth Company was comprised of men from our rivals, the National Regiment. We all got along fine and despite some storms on Friday night we had clear and pleasant weather for the weekend. Our Honorary Member, and biggest fan, Ed Yaw showed up on Saturday and snapped some fantastic photos the battle scenario and our morning drill

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a pumpkin was sacrificed The Company fly getting a head start Barely even dawn Our Freshes Fish Pvt Jeff Speight Sgt Marshall has his Java Corporal O'Brien Iron Chef Sixth Company Doug Grunn Our Biggest Fan Getting ready a column of companies his favorite maneuver Form Square!!! Well done... Guard against Cavalry Guard against Cavalry fire by Battalion Firing by Company First Timers Ed Yaw with Your Correspondent showing off the National Our Company Street hurry up and wait bird watching the 61st NY