144th Anniversary
of the Battle of Perryville

Perryville, KY

October 6 - 8, 2006

Your Correspondent was invited by his pard, Mike Dawes, to join the ranks of his regiment for the 144th anniversary reenactment of the Battle of Perryville in central Kentucky. The catch was that his unit, the 9th Texas Infantry, are Rebels thereby necessitating this die-hard bluebelly to don the gray. Challenging as it was to cross the line, if only for one weekend, it was well worth being suspected of treason by my mates in the 67th NY back home. Well organized, well attended, and blessed with abundant sunshine and dry weather, the weekend could not have played out better for Rebel and Yank alike. Never having fought west of the Appalachians, it gave an Easterner a glipse of the Western theater and the chance to learn what makes these Rebels tick...

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Private Mike Dawes leaving the 21st century behind A full moon rises we drilled for four hours Perryville Battlefield William and Justin Greg Dusty Lind Top brass Here stands Private Mike Dawes here sleeps Private Mike Dawes only blanket rolls with a few shebangs Sgt Major William Crisp Your Correspondent's bed the company's smoldering campfire Loomis Heights Rebel forces start massing ahead Your Correspondent The Cavalry preceeding the Confederacy's original flag never seen before Your Correspondent the 32nd Mississippi Infantry Hurry up and Wait Missed opportunity A strangely benign recreation Civilian Camp